This page shows yet another use of Dynamic HTML. Click on any of the questions in this sample FAQ to see the answer. Click again, and the answer will disappear.

Subject From Received
I deleted a file from Explorer, can I get it back?
Joe Technical 4/11/97 2:18 PM

How do I share a folder in Explorer
Joe Technical 4/11/97 2:17 PM

How do I save a document someone has sent me in a mail message
Joe Technical 4/11/97 2:16 PM

How do I attach a Word document to my mail message
Joe Technical 4/11/97 2:15 PM

In Exchange, I'm getting message I've exceeded my inbox size
Joe Technical 4/11/97 2:15 PM

It says my password is expired, what do I do?
Joe Technical 4/11/97 2:14 PM

My machine doesn't boot
Joe Technical 4/11/97 2:13 PM

How do I change the resolution on my screen
Joe Technical 4/11/97 2:13 PM